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Introvert Ways of Facilitation

 I always felt overwhelmed & exhausted around crowds. I feel that at most times people suck you dry! LOL. I Pride myself on being able to get along with everybody and that’s no issues for me, it’s just that – large group sometimes scares the big introvert inside me! I know I’m not alone, for sure large cliques of our kind, ended up in rewarding roles where they can stand in need to speak in public, event hosting and manage a big team. There were even some great leaders who were identified as introverts, so who says we are shrinking violets who lack social skills?

As an introvert, my range of energy frequencies for high engagement event is only limited. It takes a LOT of push to stay “ON” –  which something that I see my fellow sunshine yellow extroverts excel at! They seem to refuel at all times & I’m so jealous LOL. I’m not a people person but GOD always finds a way of putting me on careers either related to customer service, sales and now in Training. It’s so funny that how my personality evolved from being reserve to curious, since then I’m really pushing myself to do more even if it’s out of my comfort zone.

Facilitating is something I enjoy immensely without a doubt! It is something new that although exhausting but will put a smile on your face after, A rewarding experience knowing that I can share and perhaps contribute to team member’s development. I had grown so much in every Concept Induction because every batch is different. Just recently I had finished the train the trainer workshop. I feel that I’m not “the accidental facilitator” now. Anyway, I have a major in Computer Education’ so this would be probably the best time to practice it’ and why not!

Well enough of my Intro’s and let’s get back to business. Here’s my Introvert’s guide to successful facilitation.

  • Learn from others! Facilitation may sound straightforward, but there is an art to getting it right. Do a shadowing from a fellow trainer and learn from their styles.
  • Deliberate Practice! Be prepared and know your stuff, it will look more natural if you continue gaining experience in facilitating, Experiment and change your teaching styles every now and then depending on the crowd.
  • Read the Room! Aside from coming in early to know where the HDMI cables are, it is important to read the room so you can adjust your own tone & approach in front of groups. Since I’m an introvert and get conscious when everyone stares at me I always make sure to dim the lights to where I will stand. A little trick to avoid social anxiety LOL.
  • Add Humor – Embrace the nerves and have fun. Actually no one would ever believe that I’m a full-blown introvert by heart, because inside the training room, I’m a different person full of sunshine and stories. It was funny how I made these people laugh in our concept Induction. FACT: Don’t be afraid to crack jokes!
  • Feedback – I was too excited to get my response on my first facilitation, only to found out most of my attendees doesn’t like my type of music in between activities. This made me laugh so hard I can’t get over’ They don’t like taylor swift! Wherein I thought most of the millennial do. So far, I got 93% positive feedback, of course I have some couple of bad responses but that keeps me getting better every session.
  • Retention – One thing maybe to keep them up to speed is to give them assignments after you did your debriefing. Ensure everyone understands the purpose and benefit of the workshop & what can it bring them and why are they listening to you.
  • Reflection – I ask myself some questions every after training, did I do well? How’s the batch engagement? What will I do differently next time. I usually list all the “what went wrong” so I can improve it on the next session. These tricks helped me overcome my introverted hesitancies and manage to improve in each training.

What’s next: Introverts need some Me-time. For me, Netflix are the best source of recharge PLUS Cinnabon.

Hopefully these guides can help you too, fellow introvert! (If you are my same kind LOL )

“Extroverts sparkle, introverts glow. Extroverts are fireworks, introverts are a fire in the hearth.”― Sophia Dembling, Introverts in Love: The Quiet Way to Happily Ever After

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

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  1. meximinnesotana

    I’m an introvert too, but I excel at facilitation. I love the advice you give right here. It is exactly on target and I learned a few new tips I did not think of before also. Thanks!

    • rhea

      high five to you! 🙂 I’m still learning though and a newbie.
      Happy that I had shared some valuable insights,

  2. adrianmat1993gmailcom

    I relate to what you shared!
    Thanks once again

    • rhea

      Pleasure! 🙂

  3. Samantha

    These are some good tips for introverts like moi. I especially liked the “dimming the lights” part :’) I’ll definitely do that, haha!

    • Rhea

      dimming part, Plus me walking around a lot if there’s an activity’ just to ease the tension.
      works with me LOL

  4. Mariah

    I love this! I’m a extrovert. however this is teaching me how to deal with introverts and what can help make them comfortable. Great works

    • Rhea

      Introvert type of learner loves to listen & doesn’t want to be put on spot. just to give you heads up LOL.

  5. Life Travel Soul

    Reading this post reminds me of my job before in Training and Development. I’m not an introvert but I was really shy during the first few months I was hired for the job. Practice, understanding my audience, and reflection helped me a lot enhance my skills. These tips are great not only for introverts but for anyone involved in teaching/training!

    • Rhea

      I can still remember my first time doing it, I nearly had an anxiety attack! LOL! Every session for me is a learning process it keeps me grow in each workshop’ I love to push myself and to improve my public speaking eventually like a pro!

  6. Kelsey Marie

    This is amazing, and I know it will be extremely helpful to other introverts! Great post organization and writing skills x

    • Rhea

      Appreciate your kind words Kelsey


  7. Emma Riley

    This is such a great post and I learned a lot from it. I know this post will be a great help and useful not only into those introverts but also for all of us to make understand them.

    • admin

      Yass! my biggest fear but hey I’m still doing it 🙂 taking a big leap is not bad after all lol
      thank you for reading my post

  8. Valerie Durias

    I’m an introvert myself and these is definitely helpful advice especially because I struggle with facilitating. Human interaction is just weird sometimes. Hahahah.

    • admin

      I agree with you, feels awkward too at first .. but hell yeah’ these people might not even know me personally. so we either rock it or fail it.. stepping out of the comfort zone and into the unknown can seem far more exciting and less intimidating.

  9. Nicole

    These are fantastic tips! I love that you have pushed yourself into something you are a little uncomfortable with and have excelled as a result.

    • admin

      Being successful in the risks we take gives us the confidence to take more chances, thanks for reading my post 🙂

  10. Nancie

    I’m very much an introvert, but have learned to move outside myself when necessary. Great tips.

    • admin

      high five! The comfort zone kills productivity, we introverts can do much more

  11. thebusyboymama

    Reflection is definitely important! I’m an introvert myself and my son is quite a genius but I can he is one as well!

    • admin

      Embracing new learning can help us to adapt to new life situations,stretching ourselves won’t do any harm anyway.
      in the end we always learn to cope!

      keep in touch my fellow introvert friend 🙂

  12. With Love From P

    How amazing that you stepped out if your confirm zone! I really love your take on this. Brilliant article.

    • admin

      Some risks pay off 🙂

  13. Elizabeth O

    I think this is such a great post indeed. Sometimes it is hard to be an introvert but also try and push outside comfort zones!

    • admin

      Absolutely! If I hadn’t stepped out of my comfort zone, I’d likely still be in my routine life

  14. chewoutloud

    I love these ideas for introverts! Even though I’m not one, my hubby is, as well as many of my close friends. It really helps to understand more.

    • admin

      you’ll be surprise, for sure they will appreciate

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