We’ve all been there! Anyone can feel laid back every now and then. Slacking is norm but sometimes abused LOL.
What is Procrastination: It is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time.
How to Deal with it?
- Organize your Schedule and Make use of your Outlook Tools
You can either do a “To do List” on a conventional way, which I best describe as putting things on a piece a paper – like a grocery list! (this job will be more fun by investing in a pretty notepad) Or alternatively do it in a Millennial way such as making use of your outlook calendars. Best way to start is make a master to do list. It can be overwhelming when all your tasks are jumbled around in your head. For me I always reassess each day and be sure to add new tasks that pop up. Once settled and you have a Gameplan then it’s not easy to procrastinate
- Start with your big chunks of loads or regular task
Learn how to say NO and prioritize first what your job requires. Create a queue based on your deadlines. FACT: being busy does not mean being productive. My opinion – A regular employee can only juggle at least 3-4 task for him/her to progress and grow on their role. Too many side duties can cause anxiety and stress thus will lead to procrastinating and can cause delays as an employee tend to work based on urgent things.
- The Positive Pressure
Technique from Cheryl Richardson (author of take time of your life) Richardson says when you are open and share your tasks with a friend, you’ll be likelier to follow through long-term. It’s not delegation LOL! It is taking ownership and still hold you and your colleague accountable for finishing what you started.
- Schedule one block at a time
If you work on projects, break it into parts and smaller increments. This is what we called the mini deadlines. Scheduling is the key!
- Respect yourself!
If you get pulled away from tasks by every ding, whistle, and ring on your digital devices then good luck! But keep in mind that other people aren’t interrupting you; you are interrupting yourself. (This is tough love, folks.)
- Create A Routine!
Start your day with a power breakfast! Hydrate yourself every now and then. Take a break and breathe first. Plan your day and have a regular lunch buddies to keep you away from your desk. C’mon everyone needs a recharge! And of course, Leave the office on time.
Procrastination is the gap between Intention and Action
Photo by Inge Wallumrød from Pexels
Thanks for these tips. Badly needed..😊
Pleasure! Hope these were helpful 🙂
I definitely procrastinate way too often, but I agree that finding a routine helps! I also make sure to make to-do lists every day! My mind is all over the place otherwise haha. Great post x
Evie x | https://eviejayne.co.uk/
I cant work actually without a note pad! lol, It feels good ticking off my task from the list and proceeding on the next one, productivity is my goal everyday. thank you for stopping by!
Hi Rhea! Thanks a lot for joining Thoughts of SheryL!
Great blog! 🙂
Pleasure! 🙂