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Jealousy is a Mental Cancer

The Society

When you spite others, it means that you are not contented on what you have now. And if you are truly grateful there would be no room in your soul for jealousy. Gratitude will make you whole to the extent that you will appreciate what you currently have in life. Being envious occurs when you look at what others have on their plates! There is a saying that “The only time you look in your neighbor’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbor’s bowl to see if you have as much as them.”

Our lives aren’t exactly alike. When you compare yourselves to other, your taking away your inner peace. It will only decline your productiveness and turn it into grudges. I believe that all things take time, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen.  My life is not perfect, but I don’t take away my positivity for looking the good side of everything. You reap what you sow!

Giving unhealthy opinion also counts as jealousy, because what for? It is our nature to compare ourselves with others, but of course over-comparing causes envy.  Jealousy, at its most basic, is the feeling of resentment and disappointment that we don’t have the things that others have. When you feel that sting, it will either break you or builds your hatred towards things. You might be over transparent that others might see the obvious hatred from your actions.

How to overcome hatred

  • Recognize that you have a problem – Identify why you are being jealous from the first place. Acceptance is the key and move on.
  • Improving your relationships to others – Spread the love not hate.
  • One Good deed per day! – A simple, howdy can brighten up someone else day!
  • Change your Mindset – Remind yourself how lucky you are.
  • Be more generous – Spend more time supporting others.


I know it’s not easy, getting over with these things takes a lot of effort. As I’ve mentioned on my previous post, I’m not a life coach’ Others might have different perspective. These are just my views!

Thank you leslie for inspiring me to write this post! Let’s catch up soon…

How do you fight back when you start to feel sour twinges of envy?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

About Post Author


  1. Yessss Girl ! Jealousy is not a healthy emotion it make people do crazy things. It is very important to avoid that. Great advice! Yesss spread the love and be happy with who you are and what you have 100%

    Hugz and Kisses,
    Miss B.

  2. Theia

    This is a great advice. Jealousy can mentally destroy you. This is a good reminder! Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ If you want to check if you have fake followers in Instagram, do check out our Influencer Auditor at


  3. Kesha

    I believe people get jealous when they don’t know who they are. If you don’t know your purpose, you are constantly looking at others and comparing yourself to what they have. If you know who you are and what you are called to do, you don’t worry about what others are doing. What’s for them is for them and what’s for you is for you.

  4. Sheree Ho

    I think we all need to remind ourselves to not compare ourselves to others. It is very difficult to do when we see other bloggers growing faster than us but we also don’t see the road they took to get there. Thanks for the post.

    xo Sheree

  5. Preet

    I totally agree with this. Jealousy sucks and should stop and can destroy everything. I hope everyone had the chance to read this

  6. Carmen Edwards

    You are so right. I do what works for my family and don’t make time to be jealous. We all make our own path.

  7. Ashley

    I do agree with your points here, but I think that sometimes it is normal to feel jealous. A perfect example is somebody who struggles to get pregnant for years, but a co-worker gets pregnant on accident one month into a new relationship. As a whole, yes…jealousy can destroy a person if they let it consume them.

  8. Olivia

    Such a good post! I literally just wrote a whole blog post on this and how it’s so important to stop comparing and start being confident in who you are! Jealousy is a mean thing!

  9. hawkandquill

    I wholeheartedly agree with this post! Jealousy is such an unnecessary feeling and so preventable with the right mindset.

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