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Keeping your Mind Healthy

We often throw substantial amount of investments to insurance policy & networking for easy money – these doesn’t Include other costs in which I don’t want to mention anymore.  I agree with the first one, as this  is non-negotiable for me. I know not everyone have the luxury of getting covered but I’m speaking to perhaps, Millennial’s who assumes getting both would immune them to Mental Health Problems. Life is easy back then (just my thought) the only challenges back in the days (when) people’s priorities are only narrowed to shelter, food & education.

But how about our Mental Health?

  • Do we engage more on malicious talk? Our environment is already stressful. I believe, keeping a good company will make a difference. I have only a handful of close friends, although I socialize well and have many friendly acquaintances. PLUS, I keep my distance to gossipers. Surround yourself with people who give you opportunities to grow.
  • What do you do on your Idle times? Do you still dwell on the things you can’t control? Or still envious of the things our neighbours or friends has? Sometimes we spent so much time on other’s business that we habitually neglect to improve ourselves. This is mostly known as Crab Mentality to Filipinos.
  • Media – It can be exaggerating and way too pretentious. Follow the Select and Omit Mantra. Don’t want to elaborate on this, but normally I hide those people who flood my feeds. LOL
  • Family as priority. You can’t pick them but you are lucky to have them. I believe knowing your kin more are less prone to anxiety, agitation & depression.
  • The Act of Mindfulness. It is opening attention to PRESENT. A simple layman’s term is you carefully look at your thinking (literally) without judgement. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.
  • Minimalist, I usually do a spring clean regardless if it’s some clothes, home decor or can be anything that I don’t usually need anymore. Sharing can double the happiness (wink)

I’m not a life coach, neither all my points can be agreed by many. It’s just that I’ve learned how to bounce back stronger. I’m more rational and understands self-awareness now compared to a naive me, 10 years back.

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” – Cicero

How about you? What’s your tips for a happy and healthy mind?

Photo by Adil Alimbetov from Pexels

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  1. Rhea

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    • Rhea

      God Bless and Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Family Furore

    I really enjoyed this post and thank you for sharing your tips. They’re great ones, I agree with them all. I also love tai chi – I find it to be a form of meditation for me, I really love it and it helps with my mood and improves my thought processes.

    I appreciate your recent follow and enjoy your blog, so have nominated you for the Liebster Award which is about discovering new blogs. I’m glad yours has crossed my path 🙂

    • Rhea

      Thank you! appreciate it, I’m really grateful for our growing community..It’s good to know someone loves to read my post 🙂

      all the best!

      • Family Furore

        My pleasure, and so am I 🙂 It is nice to get feedback, but I think more people read our blogs than we realise. I look forward to reading more of your work 🙂

  4. article.if time permit please go through following article

    • Rhea

      Sure do! would love to read and support other bloggers too!

      thanks for stopping by

  5. englepip

    Good advice.

    • Rhea


      thanks for stopping by 🙂

  6. Livinia Ren

    Love your post, I also like to write about our well-being.

    • Rhea

      Thanks! great stuff you have there on your relaxation techniques 🙂

      God Bless!

  7. ohiocook

    Thank you for following my blog!

    • Rhea


      would definitely try your asparagus bundle soon!

      God bless 🙂

  8. souwesterly001

    I’m picking up that this is really about feeling compared to, and that a lot of people feel the need to make comparisons rather than connections. RE idle times; me personally I don’t give a shit about other people’s business, I get on with stuff that interests me, like learning tunes for the guitar, learning various languages, taking notes from biking and fixing the streets to make them more bike friendly. RE mindfulness; the non-judgemental aspect is very important; the curiosity, the seeing things through a ‘beginners mind’, dropping pre-conceived ideas. This probably explains why younger people are such miserable little shits. Mindfulness has got a lot going for it, it helped me overcome chronic insomnia.

    • Rhea

      Glad to know your views! I respect your opinion and your thoughts of a beginner’s mind. Lessons in life comes with maturity. Mindfulness is not something everyone practice. Some millenials only happens to know the power of mindfulness when they hit their rock buttom.

      Mindfulness helped my husband regain his focus. I’m happy to see him recovering from a relapse.
      been following your blog, thanks for sharing some good points about social anxiety and shyness!

      God bless and thanks for stopping by!

  9. hadunkan

    A great post and very insightful on mental health. I haven’t delved into mindfulness myself but it’s something that I’ve been looking at doing. My most recent blog post is centred around something I’ve been doing to keep mind healthy.

    • Rhea

      Glad you appreciate it, & thanks for sharing your post about “Finding Fulfillment” happy to know you’ve found your path. will surely check out your other posts as well

      God Bless!

  10. Nicely written blog post on mental health. I’m a mindfulness instructor and apply simply practices to help me learn new information such as languages. Mindfulness is a great way to balance yourself and regain focus in a non-judgemental way.

    • Rhea

      that’s Amazing! I totally agree with you. love reading your post about “3 Simple Language Learning Activities for Mindfulness”

      thank you for sharing

  11. Cailin

    This was much needed today! We have to know when to take care of ourselves. Thanks!

    • Rhea

      Absolutely, thanks Cailin & hope your feeling better now’ get well soon!

  12. Nancy

    It is so important to invest in yourself – the now along with the future. I like these tips about keeping your mental health up and running. Sometimes, there are things we can’t control and we need to do our best to keep our minds off of that. I really like cleaning – it relaxes the people and everything. Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥

    • Rhea

      Glad you appreciate my post!

      Much love

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