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Personality Test, it was 2017 when I became intrigued with assessment types that claim to reveal my personality type. Although I have been exposed and have tried different ranges of gauging prior, all seems bland to me and does not seem to recognize its potential. Fast forward to 2021, wherein online evaluation and AI rises, raising awareness to know oneself has been one of the insights for personal development. It became the language of personal mastery.

Curiosity led me from one site to another. I wonder how the algorithm works and how someone is defined.

I have noticed mental state was always the center of analysis; I admit I Initially confused these indicators as moods meter which does not breach someone’s space. It is compelling to know, that you are someone you are envision and my intuition how my communication works describe my character. I came across with 16 personality types and I was labeled as INTP, a logician. A Logician (INTP) is someone with the IntrovertedIntuitiveThinking, and Prospecting personality traits. A type of persona which certainty relies from curiosity and never stop questioning. These aid me to re asses my approach to people. It is good to have an introduction and explore the possibilities to unveil our own strength and weaknesses and use it as a tool to improve ourselves. I am always up for unconventional ways of expanding my growth. Life should be simple, no drama and no fuzz.

  These assessments were more than that. It seems to deliberately place the correct context of certain condition of my nature and put it into words. As someone who is entertained with numerology and astrology, this is a total upgrade!

Personality assessment business is a billion-dollar industry, it is a tool which were largely used by an organization to scan potential employees and labeled them into categories based on information that assesses not their professional skills, but their mental state. Last month March 2021, HBO released documentary Persona: The Dark Truth Behind Personality Tests (The questions are simple. The answers are dangerous). I can say this documentary was intense and made me think about how these tools were being used nowadays. I find it impressive and raise good questions that made me hooked and absorbed in the subject. The documentary starts strong with Carl Jung’s quote: “The world will ask you who you are, and, if you don’t know, the world will tell you”. The narration continues with history of personality evaluation and its progress till this time. The film explored personal stories, by giving voice to individuals with disabilities and bipolar disorder – all while proving that the test was designed to be biased. One story I remember was from Kyle Behm, a young man unemployable by personality test, He recalled answering questions like “how do you describe your energy level?” and of course if you will honestly answer the question for someone suffering with depression or anxiety the result wont be appealing nor flattering. Let us say a person with hi-functioning spectrum cannot show any empathy nor compassion to others but it does not mean they cannot lead a team.

Persona reveals the profound ways that ideas about personality have shaped our society – HBO Max 

Persona: The Dark Truth Behind Personality Tests (2021) - IMDb
Produced by Dorothy Street Pictures in association with CNN Films

Again, it is a debatable topic. The film has a lot of potential to raise awareness however I got lost in translation and find the last 30mins of this documentary less informing.  Let me remind you that this docu speaks highly about a specific type of test for a specific purpose. While the issues brought up in this film was alarming and need to be addressed, please do not generalize this information leading to doubts in more valid and reliable testing practices.

Photo by Deepak Digwal from Pexels

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  1. Dr. Elise Ho

    I found this documentary to be interesting. This was partially due to the information given and partially due to the information that was not given. From there, I continued my research on this very subject.

    • Solace by Rhea

      Yes, Indeed.
      I’m not a subject matter expert on this; hence limited details were intentional. It can be something which I think can be explored more.

      • Jasmine E

        I’ve never heard of it, but I’ll definitely check this out!

  2. Kuntala

    This sounds like an amazing documentary. I have always been fascinated by the human mind and its inner workings.

  3. Kevin Brotac

    I have not watch the documentary yet but I am definetly adding it to my list, thanks.

  4. crisshex88

    I did not know this documentary, but I really appreciate when they have the ability to put in perspective and reflect. I will recover it!

  5. Ivan Jose

    The human mind is intriguing so this documentary is something that will also tickle my curiosity. I might take a look at this.

    • Ivan Jose

      Reading it again makes me curious even more. I’ll also do more research about this topic.

      • Ivan Jose

        It’s just reassuring to know how much science and medicine have advanced so test results these days are pretty accurate.

  6. emman damian

    ISFJ here! I have always taken the test every year and check if it is really accurate. I always get the same results.

  7. rbaiano22

    I always loved taking personality test. This is absolutely interesting to me! Thank you for sharing this information

  8. anas

    I never did this type of assessment. I guess it is interesting to get an insight but my pet peeve is people who think it is be all to really another human being.


    There is certainly a great deal to find out about this topic. After reading this, I became more curious and found it very interesting. I think I should do a research about this.

  10. Lyosha Varezhkina

    it is sounds like a very thing to watch. I would have totally missed it if you didn’t post this

  11. Alexis

    This looks like a great movie, I’ll have to find it locally. Thanks for the review.

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