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Embracing Self-Solace: Finding Sanity and Happiness in Self-Validation

Photo by George Shervashidze

On a lazy Sunday afternoon with the temperature soaring outside, it gives us a perfect opportunity for self-reflection. In today’s fast-paced world, where social validation often takes precedence, it’s essential to take a step back and ask ourselves, “How are you?” As the summer months pass by and outdoor activities become limited, let’s take this mid-year appraisal to focus on personal development and well-being.

Prioritizing Health and Personal Development:

Over the past seven months, I have consciously chosen to shift my focus towards health and personal growth. This decision has brought about significant changes in my life. It’s fascinating to realize that what used to be an insatiable need for external validation has now taken a backseat. The importance that I once placed on others’ validation has diminished, allowing me to redirect my attention towards achieving personal sanity and happiness.

Understanding the Significance of Validation:

To truly comprehend why validation from others holds such prominence in our lives, let’s delve into its deeper roots. Validation satisfies our innate desire for recognition and acceptance. We seek validation from others to confirm our self-worth and affirm our beliefs. In a society that constantly defines success and happiness based on external standards, it’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of seeking validation.

The Shift in Perspective:

What I realized through my self-appraisal journey is that relying solely on external validation is not sustainable. It drains us of energy and leaves us feeling unfulfilled. The opinions and approval of others should not dictate our self-worth or happiness. Instead, by focusing on our own well-being, we can find a much more fulfilling and genuine sense of validation.

Finding Sanity and Happiness:

By shifting our attention away from external validation, we open up a world of possibilities. We start to recognize that self-validation is the key to our own sanity and happiness. Embracing the idea that our worth is determined by our own internal compass allows us the freedom to pursue what truly resonates with us. Rather than striving to meet others’ expectations, we can channel our energy towards personal growth, self-care, and genuine fulfillment.


Let’s take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey of discovering our own solace. By embracing the power of self-validation, we unlock a profound wellspring of strength and contentment. Together, let’s navigate life’s challenges with authenticity, compassion, and the unwavering belief in our individual worth.

Remember, you are your own solace, and so am I.

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1 Comment

  1. Julia Preston

    Inner vs. outer validation—what a great leap in consciousness! To me, inner validation means self-love (love of the Self), self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness. Oh, if only the entire world would shift from outer focus to inner—what a great world it would be! 🙏

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