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What’s up! My first year of blogging…

Hey lovelies!

I know, it’s been a while. A year ago, I was creatively dead LOL. I was dishearten. I almost lost my muchness. I was burned out, then my blog came’ it’s started slow but picks up eventually. I’m not a writer but knowing my stories had made impact to few made me realize my worth. Writing is not a rocket science; however, inspirations doesn’t come easy. I had no idea what to write about or who my audience was.  For me I had to do it, I had to stop whining and kick off my individuality. Blogging has been my therapy and my happy place – It helped me grow as a person and see things in a positive light. And just like that, the drive was too much to stop. I blog twice a week back then. The road over a year wasn’t all sparkling and sunshine, I got a writer’s block and need to have a break in between.

I personally maintain my blog, I’m the sole writer and editor. This is my baby! And I’m proud of my content.  No one proofreads my post as I want to stay it that way. My blog shows how I progress thru time, this is my portfolio – It is me and my world. I would like to try vlogging too, but it may not happen anytime soon so Let’s see!

And yes! It’s been a year!!! Having a blog is overwhelming. It’s a commitment and I take pride of my life’s work. Finding a niche is hard, but your passion will lead you to the right path. So here I ‘am after a year, still standing strong amidst the past storms. I wanted to focus on the most important takeaways from blogging and these are the things that I’ve gained and thankful for:

I found how incredible my platform is:

Previously, I had a blog from tumbler and it just dies! It was so random, and I had no platform then. When I finally found my niche, I took the leap by getting a hosted domain. Now, I have a responsibility to spread the awareness from mental health issues. I’ve found my purpose while reaching out and opening myself to bigger audience.

My Digital Journal:

If you’ve been a follower, you know that my life is an open book. I was asked once, why I’m sharing too much – then It made think, why not? Blogging forces me to notice the details of life. I’ve become self-aware and massively conscious of the changes around me. And my mindset thru time transformed positively.

“Writing crystallizes thought and thought produces action.”
– Paul J. Meyer
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Everyone is star:

I’m not a life coach however I’m flattered every time someone reach out to me and seek for advice.  I do appreciate personal emails around the globe telling me that my content is inspiring, these messages gives me thrill to keep on going.

I found my inner Diva

The thought of hitting the publish button regularly – long or short is a great feeling. I’ve noticed that my content has now a different dept! I’m happy to see my own transformation for over a year.

It’s awesome to reach large numbers of audience and hits, but if you don’t – then you still did an amazing job! For me, this page is my personal brand. If you’ve thinking of starting your own blog’ take a leap of faith and share your talent to the world.

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels

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  1. omoh felix peters

    Starting for the first time is not easy like whwn i started my first blog it got me sometime before i began to understand the tricks yea with consistency you can be the best

  2. arun

    Your blog post put a smile on my face. So glad that it’s such an important part of your life .I am also new to blogging and learning from bloggers like you .

  3. owengigg

    Congratulations on your first anniversary blogging Rhea! Everyone has plenty to offer. Keep up the good work.

  4. Nicole Anderson

    Well done on your personal creation that is now 1 year old. I admire your determination to maintain the blog as the sole writer as not many actually do that. Best wishes to you. I hope your blog delivers everything you hope it will.

  5. Czjai Reyes-Ocampo

    Congratulations, and happy first anniversary!
    Passion, indeed, will pave the way. I was just as clueless when I started blogging mainstream. I used my love for makeup and Kpop as my inspiration, and things just took off from there.
    Wishing your blog greater success in the years to come!

  6. ogbugbu14

    Like they say a journey of a thousand miles start with a step, the question is how many person are willing to take the step. I admire your courage this will give those still thinking if it’s possible a rethink. Nice job keep it up.

  7. Blair

    We all have life experiences and lessens learned that we can share. Maybe someone can draw from those and use a small part in their life. Keep sharing.

    • Karen Monica

      Congratulations on your ‘blogversary’ I am sure it has been an exciting and educational journey for you. I wish you all the best in your future blogging years

  8. Michael David Oyco

    Congrats! I can see you passion here! Continue and don’t stop! We’ll encourage each other here

  9. Congrats on completing your first year of blogging. I wish you all the best in the years to come.

  10. Bree L.

    Congrats on 1 year of your blog! That is an exciting anniversary – and you seem to have really found your groove!

  11. Alexandra Cook

    Congratulations! You made it on your 1st year. It was such a great milestone. Been following you adn looking forward to see more of your bogging journey.

  12. You opened up so beautifully! I can relate to this journey. I am so glad you found your inner diva and achieved such a milestone in the first of your blogging. All the best!

  13. The Journey

    Cool 🙂

  14. Ivan Jose

    I’m glad that you were finally able to find your blogging purpose. Blogging is so rewarding especially if we are able to spread positive influence to our readers.

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