Dear Lovelies How are you? Welcome back to my blog. It’s been a long weekend for us here in Dubai, the weather is getting better now and most of us spent our days outdoor. Did I mention to you guys the Big sales here are pretty…
Time Out I took a break from blogging while I got myself together. I’ve been out for almost 3 months! I know this is long… Don’t worry things are better now. Past months has been tough, I’m overwhelmed with my page and then it became about…
My Virtual Space Personal branding is a wide topic to begin with. So, why bother? When I started my blog 4 months ago, my aim is just to have a quiet place to throw all my pains. When my reach and engagements start to pour in,…
Research I’ve been reading a lot lately on how to withdraw from paroxetine safely. There’s a lot of resources online but what worries me are the unnecessary risks of discontinuing this medication. Relapse might happen again if tapering were not properly done. Back when my husband…
Gratitude Not everyone will have an awesome start, that’s why each of us come up with their own statements. Statements that aspires oneself to change. Affirmations are like practice we desire to manifest & proven methods of self-improvement. It’s a long process! So how do we…
Who am I Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? Honestly, I don’t even know this word exist until I first heard of it and what it meant. After that, it was like looking myself in a mirror (slight) LOL. An HSP is more aware of subtleties,…